The heroines explored by Heroica Theatre Company to date represent seven extraordinary women dating from 1456 – 1992. All playscripts are available for download at £10 or £5 each (see below).
The plays provide a valuable educational reference for school or adult learning programmes concerned with women’s history. The texts can be used for full scale productions or for written responses. Extension activities around the texts and eras covered are available on application to the company.
Once purchased your PDF file will be available for download. You will also receive an email with the link along with your order confirmation. The link will expire 24 hours after it’s first clicked.
The Chelsea Belladonna
The Chelsea Belladonna
Elizabeth Blackwell – born at the dawn of the eighteenth century – eloped with her reckless young husband and cousin Alexander from her home in Aberdeen to London. After attempting a range of bogus business ventures, Alexander – in no time at all – found himself in debtors’ prison. Elizabeth resolved to free her husband and, after much clever scheming and in a felicitous arrangement with Sir Hans Sloane of the Chelsea Physic Garden, she embarked upon the creation and illustration of ‘A Curious Herbal’. Upon publication, the Herbal both released Elizabeth’s husband and became a veritable apothecaries’ bible – both in Britain and abroad – rooting Elizabeth’s name firmly and for ever within British botanical history.
The Chelsea Belladonna follows Elizabeth and Alexander as they ‘flit’ from Aberdeen to London, and, after a string of misadventures, land securely – at least for Elizabeth – within the inspiring beauty of the Chelsea Physic Garden. Their marital history of chronic upset and scandal does not stop there, however …!
Read an extract here.